Judicial Profile – Attorney at Law Magazine, 2015
Attorney at Law Magazine Publisher Chris Haigh had the pleasure of interviewing retired Judge Michele Lowrance, who was selected by the Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers as the 2015 recipient of the prestigious Samuel S. Berger Award. According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, the award recognizes attorneys and judges who exemplify the highest standards of integrity, courtesy, knowledge of family law and the extraordinary ability to solve human problems.
Social Media in Divorce Proceedings – Family Lawyer Magazine, 2013
The only thing that does not change is change. Lawyers must modify and change the way they prepare for highly conflictual cases in these changing times. To do so, they need to understand and know the right questions to ask about social media.
The Tools and Skills a Family Lawyer Needs – Family Lawyer Magazine, 2012
Hard Skills that Every Family Lawyer Should Develop to Manage Their Clients’ Emotions. By Dan Couvrette, CEO, Divorce Marketing Group, Divorce Magazine and Family Lawyer Magazine. Guest: Judge Michele Lowrance Read article and hear podcast at familylawyermagazine.com SUMMARY OF THIS…
Skills for Heroic Parenting and Divorcing Parents – Childanalysis.com, 2010
Article written for CHILDANALYSIS.COM, site that focuses on psychoanalytic perspectives as they relate to the treatment of children, adolescents, (and adults)
The first step and maybe the most difficult is telling your children about your divorce. Following are suggestions to use when scripting what you are going to tell your children about your breakup. Ideally, both parents together will have this talk with their children. It will make the child feel safer if it appears the parents are going to work together on the reinvention of their lives. This may be the most important discussion you will ever give your children, so there is no such thing as too much preparation.